• Getting Started
    • Introduction
    • Installation
    • Using czb-ui, SDS, and Material UI in Tandem
    • Customizing Theme
    • TinaCMS: Custom Blocks

Welcome to czb-ui!

czb-ui is a UI library that contains React components for data portals and various web apps here at the Biohub.

It is based off of Material UI and Chan Zuckerberg Initiative's Science Design System (SDS). A blend of components between these two libraries are used to build higher level components.

"Higher Level Components"

This library does not serve individual components such as buttons or switches. Instead the library has more pre-built, complex components such as navigation bars, forms, and banners. These components are used throughout the Biohub, whether it's on a data portal or web app. This allows for the most consistent experience between them.

Making it easy

These components make it as straight forward as possible to build a website. Other than using code to implement them, a visual editor is available also using TinaCMS.

The Packages

czb-ui currently consists of four separate packages:

  • @czb-ui/core: The core package that includes the essential higher level components, such as the navigation bar and the footer.
  • @czb-ui/tina-cms: A toolkit to use czb-ui with the TinaCMS content management system.
  • @czb-ui/forms: A wrapper around react-jsonschema-form, a library to generate forms with JSON, using the czb-ui style.
  • @czb-ui/biohub-logos: The Biohub logos as React components.

Each package is published on npm and can be installed normally with npm install. Additionally, using the yarn package manager works also.

Portal Template

Internal use only. Please see the Portal Template GitHub repository.